The consequence of having a longstanding severe rotator cuff tear without intervention is cuff tear arthropathy as the joint becomes worn out and painful.
There is often pain and swelling of the shoulder, coupled with significant dysfunction. Night pain is again a prominent feature.
The management of a shoulder once rotator cuff arthropathy has set in involves a shoulder replacement, as no other operation will as reliably remove the pain or restore function.
Office: 074 810 0564
Whatsapp: 074 810 0564
Claremont Medical Village
2nd floor, Suite 203, Library Square, Claremont Medical Village, Wilderness Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708
Advanced Harbour Bay Surgical Centre
Sessional Room, Cnr of Main and Dido Valley Road, Simon’s Town, Cape Town, 7975
Sports Science Orthopaedic Clinic
Room 1, Sports Science Orthopaedic Clinic, Sports Science Institute, Boundary Road, Newlands, 7700